Natural wallstones, steps ,to polished tiles we do it all from the bluestone quarries of Northeast Pennsylvania. Prospect Hill is primarly a wholesale business but we will gladly help you with any size project you need to tackle. We ship to all parts of the U.S and Canada.
Prospect Hill has been in business now since 1999. Our quarrying expierience goes back much further. The Quarries are family owned with the exception of a couple which are leased. And when it comes to stone walls we have all the stone you need at a good price. Prospect hill has just recently began some bluestone polishing of tiles and counter tops and it has been a big hit.
Be sure sure to give us a call we are sure we can help you supply your yard or help you with your project.
Be sure to look at our specials ! !
Pa Bluestone Wholesale and Small Project Supplier of Wallstones and other
Pa. Bluestone
Products .
Sponsored By Johnson And Sons Stoneworks
PA Bluestone Area History Link Below Interesting article